Home to students from across the country and around the world, Utica University's safe, attractive campus is located in a residential neighborhood of the historic city of Utica, which offers a broad range of options for recreation, entertainment, shopping, dining, and cultural activities.
Utica Community
Located on 128 acres in Central New York's picturesque Mohawk Valley, Utica University’s main campus offers students a unique blend of expansive lawns and green spaces with state-of-the-art learning facilities such as the Economic Crime, Justice Studies, and Cybersecurity Building, the Professor Ray Simon Convergence Media Center, and Thurston Hall.
More In Utica Community
A Welcoming Community
Satellite locations in New York and Florida
Meeting the growing demand for nursing professionals, Utica University’s footprint continues to grow, with satellite locations for its accredited, accelerated bachelor of science in nursing (ABSN) program in Syracuse, NY, Latham, NY, and St. Petersburg, Florida.
Tasteful Renovations
Utica's Dining Commons recently underwent a $4 million overhaul, with help from Sodexo and Connor Architecture.
READ MORECutting-Edge Resources
Utica University students have access to an array of top-level learning and research facilities and technologies on campus.
A Taste of Utica, Now on Campus
Common Grounds café in the Frank E. Gannett Library now offers snacks and beverages from two local favorites: Utica Coffee Roasting Company and Holland Farms.
READ MOREWhat's Happening at Utica
Utica University’s Multi-Sensory Room used to teach, research, unwind, and inspire
Utica University Faculty and Staff Spread Holiday Cheer at Annual Holiday Dinner
Mark Kovacs: The ‘Key’ To Success for Many at Utica
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