Samantha L. Marocco, D.P.T.

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Dr. Samantha Marocco has for taught for twenty years in both on campus entry level Physical Therapy programs and on line transitional Physical Therapy programs. She has also served as an Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education for an entry level Physical Therapy program. Dr. Marocco has taught various community courses including movement and games (elementary gym class), poetry appreciation (preschool through high school), anatomy and physiology (for elementary and middle school children), infant/toddler development and parent education, child development/babysitting safety training (for middle/high school students), fitness and aging (for community outreach volunteers), and dementia (for various community groups). She has taught various professional continuing education courses including a home study course for the Geriatric Section of the American Physical Therapy Association on the neuro-physiology of Alzheimer's disease and physical therapy treatment and an in person continuing education course for physical therapists about Alzheimer's disease and physical therapy intervention. She has been active in her community as an Alzheimer's disease support group facilitator, a private school board member, and a library volunteer.
Dr. Marocco lives in the Adirondack Mountains with her family on a small homestead and enjoys gardening, reading, hiking, knitting, and playing the French horn.
Opportunities for Student Research and Collaboration
Dr. Marocco has collaborated with various students completing case reports and case series. She has served as a research mentor and first reader.
Dr. Samantha Marocco received her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Russell Sage College, her MS in Basic Science-Gerontology from Clarkson University, and her BS in Physical Therapy from Russell Sage College. She is a board certified specialist emeritus in geriatrics with clinical expertise in memory and dementia.
Ed.D. in Health Professions Education - Logan University
D.P.T. - Russell Sage College
M.S. in Basic Science - Gerontology - Clarkson University
B.S. in Physical Therapy - Russell Sage College
Buccieri K, Schultze K, Dungley J, Kolodziej T, Malta S, Marocco S, Michaels J, Stolove R. Self-Reported Characteristics of Physical Therapy Clinical Instructors: A Comparison to the American Physical Therapy Association’s Guidelines and Self-Assessments for Clinical Education. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Spring 2006; 20(1): 47-55.
Sazonov E, Bumpus T, Zeigler SL, Marocco S. Classification of Plantar Pressure and Heel Acceleration Patterns Using Neural Networks. Neural Networks - Proceedings 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference. 2005; 5: 3007-3010.
Errico D, Marocco S, Zeigler S. Use of Oral History in Physical Therapy Student Education: A Case Report. Poster Presentation. American Physical Therapy Association: Annual Conference. Boston, MA. June 17, 2010.
Sazonov E, Sun Z, Zeigler S, Marocco S, Fulk G. A Methodology for Assessing Risk of Falling Based on Data from Wearable Shoe Sensors. Poster Presentation. 3rd International Congress on Gait and Mental Function. Washington, DC. February, 26 -27, 2010.
Marocco, S. Geriatric Physical Therapy in the 1960’s: Two Oral Histories. Poster presentation. American Physical Therapy Association: Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. June 2009.
Marocco, S. Geriatric Physical Therapy in New York in the 1960’s: Two Oral Histories. Platform presentation. New York Physical Therapy Association: Annual Conference. Saratoga Springs, NY. October 2009.
Marocco, S. Geriatric Physical Therapy in the 1960’s: Two Oral Histories. Platform presentation. Utica College Faculty Research Day. Utica, NY. October 2009.
Zeigler S, Marocco S. Competency Based, Value Weighted Hiring: A Case Report. Poster Presentation. American Physical Therapy Association: Combined Section’s Meeting (CSM). Boston, MA. February 16, 2007.
Marocco S, Ryan D. Physical Therapy Management of an Individual with Primary Lymphedema. Platform presentation. New York Physical Therapy Association: Annual Conference. Long Island, NY. October, 2006.
Sazonov ES, Bumpus T, Zeigler S, Marocco S. Classification of Plantar Pressure and Heel Acceleration Patterns Using Neural Networks. Presented at and published in the Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Montreal, Quebec. 2005.
Marocco S, Ryan D. Physical Therapy Management of an Individual with Primary Lymphedema. Poster presentation. American Physical Therapy Association: Annual Conference. Boston, MA. June, 2005.
Buccieri K, Schultze K, Dungley J, Kolodziej T, Malta S, Marocco S, Michaels J, Stolove R. Self-Reported Characteristics of Physical Therapy Clinical Instructors: A Comparison to the American Physical Therapy Association’s Guidelines and Self-Assessments for Clinical Education. Poster presentation. National Clinical Education Conference. St. Louis, Missouri. September 30, 2004.
Marocco S. The Use of Technology in Medical Clinical Education. Poster presentation. Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley Conference on Instructional Technology. Canton, NY. March 6, 2004.
Courses Taught
Dr. Marocco teaches in the Post Professional transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Her primary teaching load includes courses on global healthcare and the capstone courses (Preparation for Clinical Specialty, Teaching, and Professional Inservice courses specifically). Dr. Marocco has taught in other PPtDPT courses as needed.
Awards and Recognition
Board Certified Physical Therapy Clinical Specialist Emeritus in Geriatrics
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
Certified Clinical Instructor
American Physical Therapy Association
Other Information
Dr. Marocco serves as a Diversity Advocate on hiring committees at the college and has served on the Academic Assessment and Coordination Committee.
She has served on the Specialization Academy of Content Experts for the Geriatric Specialty Examination. She has also served as the content expert for the exam, served on the Standard Setting Committee, and also served as an item writer for the exam.
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