The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica University - Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - September 2014

The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica University - Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - September 2014

Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter

Issue 9, September 2015

The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College

  1. Introduction
  2. Upcoming Events at the Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College
  3. Upcoming Conferences
  4. Recent or Forthcoming Publications
  5. Journal Special Issues & Calls for Papers
  6. Fellowships and Courses


The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College organizes an annual colloquium series, policy working groups, and conferences, under the direction of Christopher A. Riddle.

The Institute also produces a newsletter that is distributed thrice-annually, updating readers on recent developments in the field, of which this is the ninth issue.  The newsletter contains information about upcoming conferences, recent publications, journals, and related research programs. We hope that the newsletter will be of interest to anyone working in the field, whether in academia, the broader community, public service, or various non-governmental organizations. 

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this newsletter, please contact us at, or visit


On February 18, 2016, Professor Jason Miller (Carleton University) will present a talk on the ethics of self-driving cars.  The talk will take place at 7 pm in Carbone Auditorium on the Utica COllege Campus at 1600 Burrstone Rd. in Utica, NY.


Event: Economic Justice and Political Action
Host: University de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
Speakers: Paula Casal, Rainer Forst, Caesar Rendueles, and Lea Ypi.
Date: 7-9 October, 2015
CFP Deadline: 30 June, 2015

Event: The Future of Just War
Host: Defense Analysis Department (Monterey, CA)
Speakers: Jeff McMahan, Adil Haque, and Helen Frowe.
Date: 7-9 October, 2015

Event: 76th Meeting of the Virginia Philosophical Association
Host: Virginia Philosophical Association (Richmond, VA)
Date: 9-10 October, 2015
CFP Deadline: 1 July, 2015

Event: Understanding the Responsibilities of Online Service Providers in Information Societies
Host: Oxford Internet Institute (Oxford, UK)
Date: 9 October, 2015
CFA Deadline: 1 August, 2015

Event: Meaning and Computer Games
Host: International Conference on the Philosophy of Computer Games (Berlin, Germany)
Date: 14-17 October, 2015
CFA Deadline: 1 July, 2015

Event: 2015 Meeting of the Iowa Philosophical Society
Host: Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa)
Date: 7 November, 2015

Event: 9th Annual Northern Graduate Philosophy Conference
Host: Northern Illinois University (Illinois, USA)
Speakers: Samuel Scheffler
Date: 20-21 November, 2015

Event: Conscience and Conscientious Objection in Healthcare
Host: Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics (Oxford, UK)
Date: 23-24 November, 2015

Event: Bioethics: Preparing for the Unknown
Host: Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
Date: 17-19 March, 2016
CFP Deadline: 16 November, 2015

Event: Philosophy of Education Conference
Host: Azim Premji University (Bangalore, India)
Date: 10-12 January, 2016
CFP Deadline: 15 October, 2015

Event: Objectivity in Ethics
Host: Utrecht University (Utrecht, Netherlands)
Speakers: Allan Gibbard, Sharon Street, and Catherine Wilson.
Date: 31 March-1 April, 2016
CFP Deadline: 31 October, 2015

Event: Conference on Transitional Justice and Alternative Mechanisms for Peace
Host: University of Johannesburg (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Speakers: Christian Barry, Thaddeus Metz, and Cara Nine.
Date: 8-9 April, 2016
CFP Deadline: 5 January, 2016

Event: IACAP 2016
Host: International Association for Computing and Philosophy (University of Ferrara, Italy)
Date: 14-17 June, 2016
CFP Deadline: 11 January, 2016

Event: Anti-Corruption and Democratic Development
Host: The International Development Ethics Association (Istanbul, Turkey)
Speakers: Sarah Chayes, David Crocker, and Harsh Mander.
Date: 23-26 June, 2016
CFP Deadline: 1 December, 2015



Adelsberg, Geoffrey, Lisa Geunther, and Scott Zeman (2015). “Death and Other Penalties: Philosophy in a time of Mass Incarceration” (Oxford University Press). $30.00

Battin, Margaret (2015). “The Ethics of Suicide” (Oxford University Press). $49.95

Bauer, Nancy (2015). “How to Do Things with Pornography” (Harvard University Press). $35.00

Beasley, Berrin and Haney, Mitchell (2015). “Social Media and Living Well” (Lexington Books). $34.99

Benatar, David and Wasserman, David (2015). “Debating Procreation: Is It Wrong to Reproduce?” (Oxford University Press). $24.95

Biggar, Nigel (2015). "In Defence of War" (Oxford University Press). $30.00

Bruya, Brian (2015). “The Philosophical Challenge from China” (MIT Press). $45.00

Capizzi, Joseph (2015). “Politics, Justice, and War” (Oxford University Press). $90.00

Caputi, Mary (2015). “Feminism and Power: The Need for Critical Theory” (Lexington Books). $39.99

Carens, Joseph (2015). “The Ethics of Immigration” (Oxford University Press). $24.95

Caruso, Gregg (2015). “Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility” (Lexington Books). $44.99

Carvell, Stanley (2015). “Must We Mean What We Say?” (Cambridge University Press). $14.99

Clark, Ian (2015). “Waging War: A New Philosophical Introduction” (Oxford University Press). $100.00

Crane, Andrew and Matten, Dirk (2015). "Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization" (Oxford University Press). $37.99

Crary, Alice (2016). “Inside Ethics: On the Demands of Moral Thoughts” (Harvard University Press). $50.00

Decety, Jean and Thalia Wheatley (2015). “The Moral Brain: A Multidisciplinary Perspective” (MIT Press). $35.00

Devolder, Katrien (2015). "The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research" (Oxford University Press). $30.00

Dietsch, Peter (2015). “Catching Capital: The Ethics of Tax Competition” (Oxford University Press). $22.99

Dolezal, Luna (2015). “The Body and Shame: Phenomenology, Feminism, and the Socially Shaped Body” (Lexington Books). $80.00

Doris, John (2015). “Talking to Our Selves: Reflection, Ignorance, and Agency” (Oxford University Press). $45.00

Duran, Jane (2015). “Feminist Analyses of Applied Ethics” (Lexington Books). $100.00

Edmundson, Mark (2015). “Self and Soul: A Defense of Ideals” (Harvard University Press). $29.95

Eiser, Arnold (2015). “The Ethos of Medicine in Postmodern America: Philosophical, Cultural, and Social Considerations” (Lexington Books). $40.00

Engster, Daniel and Hamington, Maurice (2015). “Care Ethics and Political Theory” (Oxford University Press). $55.00

Engster, Daniel (2015). “Justice, Care, and the Welfare State” (Oxford University Press). $55.00

Feldman, Simon (2015). “Against Authenticity: Why You Shouldn’t Be Yourself” (Lexington Books). $85.00

Ferrara, Alessandro (2015). “The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism” (Cambridge University Press). $19.99

Finlay, Christopher (2015). “Terrorism and the Right to Resist” (Cambridge University Press). $100.00

Finkelstein, Claire and Ohlin, Jens (2015). "Cyber War: Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts" (Oxford University Press). $95.00

Flikschuh, Katrin and Ypi, Lea (2015). "Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives" (Oxford University Press). $74.00

Floridi, Luciano (2015). “The Ethics of Information” (Oxford University Press). $18.99

Garcia, Frank (2015). “Global Justice and International Economic Law” (Cambridge University Press). $34.99

Goodman, Kenneth (2015). “Ethics, Medicine, and Information Technology” (Cambridge University Press). $55.00

Goodman, Russell (2015). “American Philosophy before Pragmatism” (Oxford University Press). $50.00

Goodwin, Michele (2015). “The Global Body Market: Altruism’s Limits” (Cambridge University Press). $33.00

Griffin, James (2015). “What Can Philosophy Contribute to Ethics?” (Oxford University Press). $65.00

Gross, Michael (2015). “The Ethics of Insurgency” (Cambridge University Press). $33.00

Haliburton, Rachel (2015). “Autonomy and the Situated Self: A Challenge to Bioethics” (Lexington Books). $45.00

Hare, Caspar (2015). “The Limits of Kindness” (Oxford University Press). $30.00

Harrison, Kelby (2015). “Sexual Deceit: The Ethics of Passing” (Lexington Books). $39.99

Hinton, Timothy (2015). “The Original Position” (Cambridge University Press). $18.99

Hollis, Martin (2015). “Models of Man: Philosophical Thoughts on Social Action” (Cambridge University Press). $14.99

Hopkins, Philip (2015). “Mass Moralizing: Marketing and Moral Storytelling” (Lexington Books). $90.00

Houle, Karen (2015). “Responsibility, Complexity, and Abortion: Toward a New Image of Ethical Thought” (Lexington Books). $40.00

Keenan, James (2015). “University Ethics: How Colleges Can Build and Benefit from Ethics” (Rowman & Littlefield). $34.00

Kershnar, Stephen (2015). “Pedophilia and Adult-Child Sex: A Philosophical Analysis” (Lexington Books). $80.00

Khaitan, Tarunabh (2015). "The Philosophy of Anti-Discrimination Law" (Oxford University Press). $115.00

Knill, Christoph (2015). “On the Road to Permissiveness: Change and Convergence of Moral Regulation in Europe” (Oxford University Press). $55.00

Kultgen, John (2015). “Abolition of Nuclear Weapons as a Moral Imperative” (Lexington Books). $85.00

Levy, Neil (2015). "Hard Luck: How Luck Undermines Free Will and Moral Responsibility" (Oxford University Press). $27.95

Liao, Matthew (2015). “The Right to Be Loved” (Oxford University Press). $45.00

Luetge, Christoph (2015). “Order Ethics or Moral Surplus: What Holds a Society Together?” (Lexington Books). $90.00

Maes, Hans (2015). “Art and Pornography: Philosophical Essays” (Oxford University Press). $19.99

Medearis, John (2015). “Why Democracy is Oppositional” (Harvard University Press). $39.95

Moore, Margaret (2015). “A Political Theory of Territory” (Oxford University Press. $74.00

Moskop, John (2016). “Ethics and Health Care” (Cambridge University Press). $18.99

Mumford, James (2015). “Ethics at the Beginning of Life: A Phenomenological critique” (Oxford University Press). $25.00

Nussbaum, Martha (2015). “Political Emotions: Why Love Matters for Justice” (Harvard University Press). $22.00

O’Neill, Onora (2016). “Justice across Boundaries: Whose Obligations?” (Cambridge University Press). $21.99

Ozolins, John (2015). “Foundations of Healthcare Ethics” (Cambridge University Press). $90.00

Pence, Gregory (2015). “How to Build a Better Human: An Ethical Blueprint” (Rowman & Littlefield). $25.00

Pettit, Philip (2015). “The Robust Demands of the Good” (Oxford University Press). $45.00

Philpott, Daniel (2015). “Just and Unjust Peace: An Ethic of Political Reconciliation” (Oxford University Press). $24.95

Rangan, Subramanian (2015). “Performance and Progress: Essays on Capitalism, Business, and Society” (Oxford University Press). $75.00

Roberts, Robert (2015). “Emotions in the Moral Life” (Cambridge University Press). $20.99

Rosemont, Henry (2015). “Against Individualism: A Confucian Rethinking of the Foundations of Morality, Politics, Family, and Religion” (Lexington Books). $85.00

Roth, John (2015). “The Failures of Ethics: Confronting the Holocaust, Genocide, and Other Mass Atrocities” (Oxford University Press). $39.95

Rowlands, Mark (2015). “Can Animals Be Moral?” (Oxford University Press). $24.95

Rubenstein, Jennifer (2015). "Between Samaritans and States: The Political Ethics of Humanitarian INGOs" (Oxford University Press). $55.00

Rubin, Edward (2015). "State, Soul, and Society: The Transformation of Morality and the Modern State" (Oxford University Press). $19.99

Sahakian, Barbara and LaBuzetta, Jamie (2015). "Bad Moves: How Decision Making Goes Wrong, and the Ethics of Smart Drugs" (Oxford University Press). $8.99

Satkunanandan, Shalini (2015). “Extraordinary Responsibility” (Cambridge University Press). $30.00

Saul, Jennifer (2015). “Lying, Misleading, and What is Said” (Oxford University Press). $29.95

Scheid, Anna Floerke (2015). “Just Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation” (Lexington Books). $80.00

Schiemann, John (2015). “Does Torture Work?” (Oxford University Press). $22.99

Sheinman, Hanoch (2015). "Promise, Obligation, Agreement: An Essay in Social Philosophy" (Oxford University Press). $65.00

Sherman, Nancy (2015). “Afterwar: Healing the Moral Wounds of Our Soldiers” (Oxford University Press). $24.95

Sifton, John (2015). “Violence All Around” (Harvard University Press). $27.95

Surdam, David (2015). "Century of the Leisured Masses: Entertainment and the Transformation of Twentieth-Century America" (Oxford University Press). $64.00

Star, Daniel (2015). “Knowing Better: Virtue, Deliberation, and Normative Ethics” (Oxford University Press). $60.00

Tannsjo, Torbjorn (2015). “Taking Life: Three Theories on the Ethics of Killing” (Oxford University Press). $64.00

Thompson, Paul (2015). “From Field to Fork: Food Ethics for Everyone” (Oxford University Press). $21.95

Vayrynen, Pekka (2015). “The Lewd, the Rude, and the Nasty: A Study of Thick Concepts in Ethics” (Oxford University Press). $22.99

Vogel, Steven (2015). “Thinking like a Mall: Environmental Philosophy after the End of Nature” (MIT Press). Price TBD

Vopat, Mark (2015). “Children’s Rights and Moral Parenting” (Lexington Books). $80.00

Warren, Kacey (2015). “Recognizing Justice for Citizens with Cognitive Disabilities” (Lexington Books). $80.00

Wilkinson, T. M. (2015). "Ethics and the Acquisition of Organs" (Oxford University Press). $19.99


Journal: Moral Philosophy & Politics
Issue: The Ethics of Immigration in a Non-Ideal World
Deadline: 31 December, 2015 (CFP)

Journal: Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Issue: Ethics and Future Generations
Deadline: 15 January, 2016 (CFP)

Journal: Bulletin of Integrative Psychology (BIP)
Deadline: No Deadline.


None at this time.


If you would like to announce a new research project, publication, call for papers, or upcoming conference in a future issue of this newsletter, please contact us at, or you can write to Christopher A. Riddle, The Applied Ethics Institute / Department of Philosophy, Utica College, 1600 Burrstone Rd., Utica, NY 13502, USA. Fax: 315-792-3831.

Special thanks to Adam Brooks for research assistance.

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The Applied Ethics Institute

The Applied Ethics Institute

Utica College
(315) 792-3759
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