The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica University - Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - September 2014

The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica University - Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - September 2014

Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter

Issue 6, September 2014

The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College

  1. Introduction
  2. Upcoming Events at the Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College
  3. Upcoming Conferences
  4. Recent or Forthcoming Publications
  5. Journal Special Issues & Calls for Papers
  6. Fellowships and Courses


The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College organizes an annual colloquium series, policy working groups, and conferences, under the direction of Christopher A. Riddle.

The Institute also produces a newsletter that is distributed thrice-annually, updating readers on recent developments in the field, of which this is the sixth issue.  The newsletter contains information about upcoming conferences, recent publications, journals, and related research programs. We hope that the newsletter will be of interest to anyone working in the field, whether in academia, the broader community, public service, or various non-governmental organizations. 

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this newsletter, please contact us at, or visit


Christopher A. Riddle, the Director of the Institute will edit a special issue of Essays in Philosophy on the topic of gun control.  It will appear in the summer of 2015.  The call for papers appears below.

"Philosophy and Gun Control"

Volume 16, Number 2
Issue date: July 2015
Submission deadline: March 31, 2015
Issue Editor: Christopher A. Riddle (Utica College)

Gun violence is an unfortunate reality in our global society. Recent discussions surrounding this topic have been polarizing and emotionally charged. There is an increased need for engagement in a rational and measured debate about the ethics of owning guns and the permissibility or regulating or restricting their ownership.

Typical treatments of the topic engage with the conflict between individual rights of autonomy and self-defense and collective rights of freedom from assault and violence. There are also conflicting claims about the ideal way to protect individuals in a society. Some suggest that more private ownership of guns increases collective security and decreases crime while others suggest the contrary: the presence of more guns decreases safety and increases the possibility of violent crime.

More generally, there is a concern about the obligation of the state and its institutions in assuring autonomy rights, social security, and individual protection.

Essays in Philosophy invites the submission of papers that explore some aspect of philosophy and gun control. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • autonomy rights
  • freedom
  • self-defense
  • harm reduction
  • obligations of the State
  • crime reduction
  • property rights
  • Constitutional guarantees
  • gun culture and society
  • political and economic implications

All submissions should be sent to the general editor via email:


Event: Philosophy and Race
Host:  California Roundtable on Philosophy and Race (Milwaukee, WI)
Speakers: Anita L. Allen, and Henry R. Silverman.
Date: 19-20 September, 2014

Event: Dimension of Intentionality
Host:  Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
Speakers: Tim Bayne, Anne-Sophie Bruggen, and Sara Rachel Chant.
Date: 29 September, 2014-1 October, 2014

Event: Conference on Kantian Freedom
Host:  Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Date: 3-5 October, 2014
CFP/CFA Deadline: 1 August, 2014 (CFA)

Event: Normative Business Ethics Workshop
Host:  Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research (University of Pennsylvania)
Date: 10 October, 2014

Event: Finnish-Hungarian Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy
Host:  University of Jyvaskyla (Finland)
Speakers: Alison Simmons
Date: 11-12 October, 2014
CFP/CFA Deadline: 1 July, 2014 (CFA)

Event: 12 Annual University of Miami Graduate Student Conference: Biomedical Epistemology and Bioethics
Host:  University of Miami (USA)
Speakers: John Arras, and Rebecca Kukla.
Date: 16-18 October, 2014
CFP/CFA Deadline: 15 September, 2014

Event: Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics 2014
Host:  Bucharest, Romania
Speakers: To be Announced.
Date: 23-24 October, 2014
CFP/CFA Deadline: 20 June, 2014 (CFA)

Event: Knowledge and Models in Climate Science: Philosophical, Historical, and Scientific Perspectives
Host:  Rotman Institute of Philosophy (London, ON, Canada)
Date: 24-26 October, 2014

Event: Security, Sustainability and Human Floruishing
Host:  Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy (Hokkaido University)
Speakers: Nancy Sherman, Dale Jamieson, Alan Soble, and Philip Brey.
Date: 31 October-2 November, 2014
CFP/CFA Deadline: 30 June, 2014 (CFA)

Event: Living With the Digital Dead
Host: Burwood Corporate Centre (Deakin University, Melbourne)
Date: 7 November, 2014
CFP/CFA Deadline: 5 September, 2014 (CFA)

Event: Ethical Underpinnings of Climate Economics
Host:  University of Helsinki
Speakers: Joanna Burch-Brown, Sade Hormio, and Simo Kyllonen.
Date:  11-13 November, 2014

Event: Ethics of Economic Institutions
Host:  Hotel Mitland (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Speakers: Boudewijn de Bruin, Joseph Heath, and Miriam Ronzoni.
Date: 8-10 January, 2015
CFP/CFA Deadline: 15 September, 2014 (CFA)

Event: 25th International Conference
Host:  Business & Economics Society International (Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, USA)
Date: 10-13 January, 2015
CFP/CFA Deadline: 30 September, 2014

Event: The Philosophy of Expertise: What is Expertise?
Host:  University of Muenster (Germany)
Speakers: Rainer Bromme, Harry Collins, and Alvin I. Goldman.
Date: 12-13 January, 2015
CFP/CFA Deadline: 30 October, 2014 (CFA)

Event: Living Well Conference
Host:  Open Knowledge Group (York, UK)
Date: 9-11 April, 2015

Event: Animal Liberation: 40 Years On
Host: University of Rennes (France)
Speakers: Peter Singer, Ira W. Decamp, and Jean-Yves Goffi.
Date: 28-29 May, 2015
CFP/CFA Deadline: 30 October, 2014 (CFA)

Event: International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting
Host: International Neuroethics Society (Washington D.C., USA)
Date: 1 July, 2014
CFP/CFA Deadline: 14 November, 2014 (CFA)

Event: British Society for Ethical Theory Conference 2015
Host: University of Southampton (UK)
Speakers: Baroness Onora O'Neill, and Shelly Kagan.
Date: 13-14 July, 2015
CFP/CFA Deadline: 1 December, 2014 (CFP)



Anderson-Gold, Sharon and Muchnik, Pablo (2014). "Kant's Anatomy of Evil" (Cambridge University Press). $34.99

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael & Sarangi, Srikant (2014). “Genetic Testing” (Routledge). $44.95

Barney, Rachel (2014). “Plato and the Divided Self” (Cambridge University Press). $39.99

Becker, Lawrence (2014). “Reciprocity (Routledge Revivals)” (Routledge). $145.00

Biggar, Nigel (2015). "In Defence of War" (Oxford University Press). $30.00

Bognar, Greg and Hirose, Iwao (2014). “The Ethics of Health Care Rationing: An Introduction” (Routledge). $39.95

Boonin, David (2014). "The Non-Identity Problem and the Ethics of Future People" (Oxford University Press). $45.00

Brennan, Jason (2014). “Why Not Capitalism?” (Routledge). $24.95

Brennan, Jason and Hill, Lisa (2014). "Compulsory Voting: For and Against" (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Burke, Anthony and Lee-Koo, Katrina (2014). “Ethics and Global Security” (Routledge). $44.95

Chadwick, Ruth (2014). "The Right to Know and the Right Not to Know: Genetic Privacy and Responsibility" (Cambridge University Press). $55.00

Childress, Donald (2014). "The Role of Ethics in International Law" (Cambridge University Press). $34.99

Cohen, Glenn (2014). "Patients with Passports" (Oxford University Press). $64.00

Crane, Andrew and Matten, Dirk (2015). "Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization" (Oxford University Press). $37.99

Dalal, Neil & Taylor, Chloe (2014). “Asian Perspectives on Animal Ethics” (Routledge). $145.00

Dawes, James (2014). "Evil Men" (Harvard University Press). $15.95

Devolder, Katrien (2015). "The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research" (Oxford University Press). $30.00

Di Paola, Marcello & Pellegrino, Gianfranco (2014). “Canned Heat: Theoretical and Practical Challenges of Global Climate Change” (Routledge). $95.00

Dorsey, Dale (2014). "The Basic Minimum: A Welfarist Approach" (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Doyle, Thomas (2014). “The Ethics of Nuclear Proliferation” (Routledge). $135.00

Edward, Campell (2014). “Boulez, Music and Philosophy” (Cambridge University Press). $135.00

Epstein, Richard (2014). "The Classical Liberal Constitution: The Uncertain Quest for Limited Government" (Harvard University Press). $49.95

Finkelstein, Claire and Ohlin, Jens (2015). "Cyber War: Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts" (Oxford University Press). $95.00

Flikschuh, Katrin and Ypi, Lea (2015). "Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives" (Oxford University Press). $74.00

George, Alexandra (2014). “Constructing Intellectual Property” (Cambridge University Press). $34.99

George, Kateb (2014). “Human Dignity” (Harvard University Press). $18.95

Goldberg, Daniel (2014). “The Bioethics of Pain Management” (Routledge). $125.00

Glover, Jonathan (2014). "Alien Landscapes?: Interpreting Disordered Minds" (Harvard University Press). $35.00

Gross, Michael (2014). "The Ethics of Insurgency: A Critical Guide to Just Guerrilla Warfare" (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Hassoun, Nicole (2014). "Globalization and Global Justice" (Cambridge University Press). $32.99

Hirst, Martin and Patching, Roger (2014). “Journalism Ethics” (Routledge). $64.95

Hoffmann, Tobias (2014). “Aquinas and the Nicomachean Ethics” (Cambridge University Press). $95.00

Holmgren, Margaret (2014). “Forgiveness and Retribution” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Inwood, Brad (2014). “Ethics After Aristotle” (Harvard University Press). $39.95

Kagawa-Fox, Midori (2014). “The Ethics of Japan’s Global Environmental Policy” (Routledge). $51.95

Kateb, George (2014). "Human Dignity" (Harvard University Press). $18.95

Kemmerer, Lisa (2014). "Eating Earth: Environmental Ethics and Dietary Choice" (Oxford University Press). $19.99

Khaitan, Tarunabh (2015). "The Philosophy of Anti-Discrimination Law" (Oxford University Press). $115.00

Levy, Neil (2015). "Hard Luck: How Luck Undermines Free Will and Moral Responsibility" (Oxford University Press). $27.95

Lloyd, S.A. (2014). “Morality in the Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes” (Cambridge University Press). $34.99

McCabe, David (2014). "Modus Vivendi Liberalism: Theory and Practice" (Cambridge University Press). $34.99

McManus, Phil & Albrecht, Glenn (2014). “The Global Horseracing Industry: Social, Economic, Environmental and Ethical Perspectives” (Routledge). $48.95

Nadia, Urbinati (2014). “Democracy Disfigured: Opinion, Truth, and the People” (Harvard University Press). $39.95

Nancy, Jean-Luc and Mandell, Charlotte (2014). "After Fukushima: The Equivalence of Catastrophies" (Oxford University Press). $16.00

O'Malley, Maureen (2014). "Philosophy of Microbiology" (Cambridge University Press). $31.99

Otteson, James (2014). "The End of Socialism" (Cambridge University Press). $24.99

Palmer, David (2014). "Libertarian Free Will: Contemporary Debates" (Oxford University Press). $85.00

Ratner, Steven (2014). "The Thin Justice of International Law: A Moral Reckoning of the Law of Nations" (Oxford University Press). $50.00

Riddle, C.A. (2014). “Disability & Justice: The Capabilities Approach in Practice” (Rowman & Littlefield). $70

Roberto, Unger (2014). "The Religion of the Future" (Harvard University Press). $49.95

Rubenstein, Jennifer (2015). "Between Samaritans and States: The Political Ethics of Humanitarian INGOs" (Oxford University Press). $55.00

Rubin, Edward (2015). "State, Soul, and Society: The Transformation of Morality
and the Modern State" (Oxford University Press). $19.99

Sahakian, Barbara and LaBuzetta, Jamie (2015). "Bad Moves: How Decision Making Goes Wrong, and the Ethics of Smart Drugs" (Oxford University Press). $8.99

Sandel, Adam (2014). "The Place of Prejudice: A Case for Reasoning within the World" (Harvard University Press). $45.00

Scheid, Don (2014). "The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention" (Cambridge University Press). $30.99

Sheinman, Hanoch (2015). "Promise, Obligation, Agreement: An Essay in Social Philosophy" (Oxford University Press). $65.00

Sher, George (2014). "Equality for Inegalitarians" (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Sluga, Hans (2014). "Politics and the Search for the Common Good" (Cambridge University Press). $26.99

Smith, Kiah (2014). “Ethical Trade, Gender and Sustainable Livelihoods: Women Smallholders and Ethicality in Kenya” (Routledge). $145.00

Snowdon, Paul (2014). "Persons, Animals, Ourselves" (Oxford University Press). $49.95

Surdam, David (2015). "Century of the Leisured Masses: Entertainment and the Transformation of Twentieth-Century America" (Oxford University Press). $64.00

Teichmann, Roger (2014). "Nature, Reason, and the Good Life: Ethics for Human Beings" (Oxford University Press). $35.00

Thunder, David (2014). "Citizenship and the Pursuit of the Worthy Life" (Cambridge University Press). Price is not yet set.

Waldron, Jeremy (2014). "The Harm in Hate Speech" (Harvard University Press). $17.95

Welch, Don (2014). “A Guide to Ethics and Public Policy” (Routledge). $42.95

Wendel, Bradley (2014). "Ethics and Law: An Introduction" (Cambridge University Press). $28.99

Wilkinson, T. M. (2015). "Ethics and the Acquisition of Organs" (Oxford University Press). $19.99


Journal: A Journal of Philosophical, Theological and Applied Ethics
Issue: The Ethics of War and Peace
Deadline: 15 November, 2014

Journal: Society and Politics
Issue: Individuality, Individuation, Subjectivity in Early Modern Philosophy
Deadline: 30 November, 2014 (CFP)

Journal: A Journal of Social and Political Theory
Issue: Is the Idea of Peace Relevant for the Age of Asymmetrical Warfare?
Deadline: 30 April, 2015 (CFP)

Journal: Essays in Philosophy
Issue: Philosophy & Gun Control
Deadline: 31 March, 2015 (CFP)


The University of Kent has announced that it is awarding a fully-funded PhD studentship in philosophy. The studentship will begin in January 2015. The deadline for applications is 3 September, 2014. For more information, please visit:

The University of Cambridge has announced that it it's seeking qualified candidates for a Research Fellowship in Historical and Philosophical Studies. The position will close on 30 September, 2014. For more information, please visit:

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Bristol is awarding a fully-funded three year PhD studentship. The studentship will begin in January 2015. The deadline for applications is 20 October, 2014. For more information, please visit:


If you would like to announce a new research project, publication, call for papers, or upcoming conference in a future issue of this newsletter, please contact us at, or you can write to Christopher A. Riddle, The Applied Ethics Institute / Department of Philosophy, Utica College, 1600 Burrstone Rd., Utica, NY 13502, USA. Fax: 315-792-3831.

Special thanks to Adam Brooks for research assistance.

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The Applied Ethics Institute

The Applied Ethics Institute

Utica College
(315) 792-3759
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