Registrar Forms
Useful forms relating to internships, academic petitions, commencement participation, and much more.
Note: Forms apply to all students, unless otherwise specified.
Academic Petition Form - not a Registrar form, but may be used to submit various petitions to the Academic Standards Committee
Address Change Form (students only - faculty and staff must complete the Human Resources' Personal Information Change form.)
Alternative Degree Requirement (ADR) Form - FACULTY AND STAFF ONLY
Note: The ADR form is a "fillable" PDF - you can type out the information, then print and sign.
Note: To adjust how credit has been transferred to Utica University, please use the Transfer Credit Adjustment Form.
Authorization to Release Grades- requires student log in. If a student submits this form to the Registrar's Office, we will send a final grade report to the person(s) indicated on the form at the end of the term. Please note that even with this form signed, we cannot discuss the student's academic progress over the telephone.
Complete Withdraw Form - Will withdraw student from ALL active courses for the term indicated.
Course Withdrawal Form - Student will select which course(s) to withdraw from.
Confidentiality: Add or Remove a Directory Information (FERPA) Block
Degree Application and Commencement Participation (RSVP) form
Experience Credit Application - Experience credit counts as free elective credit only. All fees must be paid before credit is added to the student's transcript. See catalog for details.
Grade Change Form- Password-restricted to current faculty.
Incomplete Contract - Undergraduate
Incomplete Contract - Graduate
All students wishing to undertake an internship must complete the internship form below. In addition, all students wishing to undertake an internship at Utica University or one of the University-owned facilities, must complete the Internships at Utica package below.
Internship Form
Internships at Utica (package)
Leave of Absence (Graduate students only. You must complete new form for each semester on leave.)
Major Change Form (Undergraduate Students): Please visit the Academic School Office of your new major to complete the form below :
- Application to Adjust Graduate Program and/or Certificate
- Change of Major Form for Arts & Sciences: Office 286 Gordon Science Center
- Change of Major Form for Business & Justice Studies: Office 102 ECJS Building
- Change of Major Form for Health Professions & Education: Office 230 Addison Miller White Hall
- Change of Major Form for Health Studies -Physical Therapy Track
- Change of Major Form for the Office of Educator Preparation: Office 252 Addison Miller White Hall
Medical Leave of Absence - The purpose of a medical leave of absence is to maintain your health coverage if you are insured by a parent and your parent's health insurer requires you to be in school full-time in order to maintain coverage. If you are withdrawing from the University after the add/drop period is over, you cannot complete a Medical Leave of Absence form.
Mohawk Valley Consortium forms are available in the Registrar's Office. They are not available online.
Name Changes (Legal and Preferred) (Information on how to change a student's name in the Banner system - faculty and staff must contact Human Resources.)
Non-matriculated Registration Form
Permission to Study at Another Institution - Must be signed by the student's adviser and Dean before it can be submitted to the Registrar's Office.
Permission to Study Abroad - For undergraduate students who will be doing a semester abroad
Registration Form for Independent Study Course - Your department will have additional paperwork to complete, such as some form of study plan and contract.
Registration Form for Research Methods Course - Your department will have additional paperwork to complete, such as some form of study plan and contract.
Registration Form for Tutorial Course - Your department will have additional paperwork to complete, such as some form of study plan and contract.
Replacement Diploma Request Form (Either fill out the form on the computer, then sign and submit, or simply print out the form, fill it out by hand, then submit.)
Request to Add or Remove a Directory Information Block from a Student Account
Residency Waiver Petition (for students who need to petition for residency waivers before they can transfer credit)
Specialization Form - FACULTY ONLY
Student Assistantship Form (UCC 301)
Transfer Credit Adjustment Form
Voter Registration Form - English
Voter Registration Form - Spanish
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