Ashlea Schad

Through Utica University’s Senior Class Gift Program, graduating seniors, parents, guardians, and friends are able to leave a lasting mark on the Utica Campus. Gifts over the years have included the bronze moose statue that sits outside of Clark Athletic Center, multiple gardens, campus maps, blue and orange Adirondack chairs, and campus cell phone charging stations.
The 2023 Senior Class Officers worked with the class to identify a project that would enhance the daily lives of the students. To that end, the Class of 2023 will create a printing station in North Hall. This station would enable students to print projects and coursework closer to their rooms, eliminating the need to walk to the academic quad to find a printer.
If you prefer to make a gift to the Fund for Student Success in honor of a senior instead of the printing project, please state that on the online giving form.
Our goal is to raise $2,500 before Commencement. Please consider making a gift in honor of your graduating student and help us continue this time-honored tradition at Utica University.
The Senior Class Gift Giving Societies are listed on this page. Donors will be acknowledged on the University’s website accordingly. If you wish to remain anonymous, please indicate that with your contribution.
(In honor of the 76th Commencement)
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