How to Submit a Morning Mention
The Morning Mention will only be sent out on Mondays and Wednesdays during summer break beginning Monday, May 16. If you have entries scheduled that need to be changed, please use the new "Your Morning Mentions" link at the top of the website after you login.
The Morning Mention is a daily email digest that goes out to all faculty, staff and students that have Utica University email accounts. All submissions need to be added before the day of delivery.
Please do not submit entries for dates that fall on Saturdays, Sundays or university holidays as they will not be distributed.
Step One
To submit Announcements, Kudos, Staff Changes, etc. to the Morning Mention, please first login to the main Utica University website at the following link with your Utica network credentials. Your first login will automatically generate your account and give you permission to post Morning Mention entries.
You must always login first in order to submit an entry.
Step Two
Once you are logged in, visit the link below to submit your entry. If you have an upcoming event, it will need to be entered into our Events calendar. However, you can add ONE promo announcement to distribute ahead of your event date.
(Please do not submit multiple entries for the same event, announcement, etc. This duplication will decrease our readership and work against getting the word out. Repeated entries will be removed.)
Submit your Morning Mention Entry
Step Three
Be sure to logout of the website once you have finished submitting your entry.
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